USCIS Announces Plan to Improve the Naturalization Test

2019-07-24T16:11:52+00:00Jul 24, 2019|

USCIS is revising the current naturalization test with improvements to ensure it continues to serve as an accurate measure of a naturalization applicant’s civics knowledge and that it reflects best practices in adult education assessments. The former USCIS director signed the Revision of the Naturalization Civics Test Memorandum. This memorandum announces the revision of the [...]

House Passes Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act H.R. 1044

2019-07-11T16:28:35+00:00Jul 11, 2019|

On 7/10/19, the House passed H.R. 1044 by a vote of 365 to 65. If enacted, the bill would eliminate the per-country numerical limitation for employment-based immigrants and increase the per-country numerical limitation for family-sponsored immigrants from 7 percent to 15 percent. Read the pdf of the H.R. 1044 bill.

USCIS Expands FIRST: A Fully Digital FOIA System

2019-06-26T17:08:53+00:00Jun 26, 2019|

USCIS is announcing the expansion of its digital Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Immigration Records System (FIRST). FIRST is the only system in the U.S. government that allows users to submit and track FOIA requests and receive documents digitally. This process will save time, improve efficiency, and reduce potential errors that can occur with manually [...]

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