H-1B Visa – Biochemist

2018-03-09T12:28:39+00:00Oct 18, 2005|

Hi Yasmin, our office is extremely pleased with Mr. S's approval. It was very important to us. Thank you for all the fantastic work you had put in for this case. Please accept our profuse appreciation! - George V., Madison, WI

H-1B Visa (Programmer Analyst)

2018-03-09T12:19:47+00:00Jul 14, 2004|

Hello Mr. Kidambi, I'm really glad that INS approved my visa. I would have been in deep trouble if they hadn't. I would have no other options other than leaving the country if INS denied my visa again. I contacted 5 lawyers and 4 of them turned me down stating it would be best for [...]

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