When NOT to File an Amended H-1B Petition

2015-12-22T11:00:30+00:00Dec 22, 2015|

Over the past couple of months, clients have been emailing and calling to understand when they are NOT required to file an amended petition. For instance, one caller wanted to know what would happen if the employee returns from a project and is stationed at the corporate office for 15 days before being re-deployed to [...]

Taking Up ‘Legal’ Immigration Now Could Set the Tone for Future Cooperation

2014-01-03T19:32:49+00:00Jan 3, 2014|

In a welcome gesture, on December 4th Speaker Boehner hired Senator McCain’s long time immigration advisor and Director of Immigration Policy of the Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC) – Rebbeca Tallent. In a press release on the Bipartisan Policy Center’s website, Jason Grumet, BPC’s president was very positive in summing up his view of Ms. Tallent’s [...]

Why Is the U.S. Dragging its Feet on Business Immigration Reform?

2018-03-25T21:34:55+00:00Nov 14, 2013|

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) analyzes trends in immigration and policy proposals that would affect immigration and states on its website that, Of the 40 million foreign-born people living in the United States in 2011, about 22 million were not citizens. About half of those non-citizens were authorized to be in the United States [...]

We Are Not Open For Business – the Death of the L-1B Visa Program

2013-09-03T10:49:51+00:00Sep 3, 2013|

At the request of Senator Charles Grassley, the Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General2 examined the potential for fraud or abuse in the L-1 intracompany transferee program and concluded among other things: Although U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services regulations and headquarters memorandums provide guidance regarding the definition of specialized knowledge, they are insufficient to ensure [...]

Tribute to Frank Lautenberg – Champion of Immigrant Causes

2013-06-11T10:45:33+00:00Jun 11, 2013|

On September 12th 2000, I traveled to The Hart Senate Office Building on Constitution Avenue and 2nd Street, NE in Washington DC to meet with and to urge Members of Congress to support among other things, H-1B legislation, restoration of Section 245(i), updating the registry date, NACARA parity, and IIRAIRA reform. I was part of [...]

I am a successful Entrepreneur; Own a Business and Employ 5-10 US Workers. Do I Qualify for the New ‘Entrepreneur’ H-1B Visa?

2013-05-31T21:03:01+00:00May 31, 2013|

Before I answer this question, I want to run the following real world examples by you: Years before being acquired in a Billion dollar deal, his mom, a teacher at a Manhattan private school, thought her son was getting distracted at school but really liked computers and had a lot of great ideas. So, she [...]

My Immigration Wishlist

2013-03-08T18:31:07+00:00Mar 8, 2013|

This morning I sat down to read the history and progress being made on Comprehensive Immigration Reform. After I had finished, I realized there were a number of areas in Business Immigration where I would like to see immigration reform and change. I started to list them and felt it would be best to share [...]

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